Thursday, March 05, 2015


There is clearly an invisible choke-hold on our minds.  Strangely, it comes from within our own skulls due to being anchored by our own thoughts.  Mankind is snagged and stumped and limited by strangulated thinking.

Faith makes long strides in unstrangulating us.  This is very serious business.  The secret powers of human-connected-to-God living are curtailed exponentially by hesitancy and fear.  Those who reverse this trend experience what God would deem as the surpassing grace of God in us which immediately allows, Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (II Cor. 9:14-15) to become our walking reality.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebr. 11:1).

Discussing the deep need for faith, the apostle points to God and insists that faith, gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist (Rom. 4:17).

As long as we continue to sit with our Bibles opened, having listened to thousands of sermons already, too many remain captive in our own fearful minds.  Hesitancy. Threat. Vulnerability.  Sheepishness.  These combined are stagnatizing the Great Commission.

I speak of this not in criticism nor in warning; but in pleading with our very good people.  I'm with marvelous, beautiful, generous, tender believers day in and day out. Few, very few, realize the magic touch within themselves.

Some are pretty. Some are intelligent.  Some are gifted.  Some are serious about their faith.  The vast majority lives in public hiding completely unaware that they possess power and love of Holy Spirit impact that relatives, friends, and colleagues around would be blessed to hear what we have discovered in God.

Very average and normal church members need to understand something about themselves.  God uses very average and normal people to reach very average and normal people.  That's how we found God.  It wasn't through professional parents (for those raised in church).  Nor was it through professional believers (for those not accustomed to church life).  Plain people impact plain people.

I wish Mr. Average and Miss Normal would come out from hiding.  I wish you would imagine inviting some to sit at your table or go to your cafe with you.  I wish you would realize how fascinating the God who resides within you is and that you are the perfect (PERFECT) one to help others reach for that which they deeply yearn; a relationship with God.

You.  Not just others, but you.  You are magnificently influential because no one has a law against being loved.  Our communities are in a world of hurt; depression, anxiety, loneliness.  You and me, we have a way of cheering people on.  God has called us to light up their lives.

I wish you would believe that about you.  You are more wonderful than you can imagine.

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