Wednesday, December 10, 2014


A lot of people don't get God.  They don't understand Him.  These can't seem to measure or monitor Him.

A lot of people?  No.  How about all people?

The kingdom system is broken because guys like me seem to imply we know a lot about God.  We don't.  Of course we know a few things.  The Bible is here for us to learn.  Yet, so many of us have taken our favorite texts and camped out.

Church has shifted from being the body of Christ in sheer and fantastic effective motion.  As time proceeds, we believers repeat the development of fears of change when God is the God of creativity.  We tend to fossilize movements into preservation houses to the extent that churches are more likely to be assumed as buildings rather than people.

Tours aren't given down hallways of artifacts; but down lanes of doctrinal past.  But the truth is that the church isn't a museum for our gaze.  It is common people encountering the Living Lord who is back from the dead.  He is here to give life to the dead.  We were once dead in our systems....and now we live!

We Christians are in danger of taking the narrow gate and the narrow way to mean that we are to become and develop a narrow people.  This isn't the case.  Jesus is the one true gate and true way (out of abundant and deceitful options) being offered to mankind which would afford authentic living.

Robust life will be found in no one else nor in any other kingdom.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  One cannot enter through any other passageway.


God is Creator.  God is beyond man's best imagination.  God is mystery to the fullest of our mysterious minds.

Ephesians 3:14-21 calls us to enter into a knowledge beyond knowing.  This would be the territory of God.  We do have the capacity to know--according to this text--which is beyond knowledge (God's words), but only due to the Spirit of God helping us.

I encourage us to enter into a zone that we neither control nor closely grasp; yet is more fulfilling than we can imagine.

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