Sunday, November 09, 2014


In general a significant count of society has been suckered into not believing in God. These use the hypocrite gun on us as if this will do away with the truth that the spiritual exists.  Yet, this is sometimes a cover-up for a deeper problem.

I wonder if rejection of the God-possibility isn't really (as these would want us to believe) because our hypocrisy is first on their minds.  That isn't the first obstacle. No, I think it may be personal fear.  A greater tendency is to avoid things of which we don't have a good grasp.  Hesitant drivers avoid city loops and turnpikes because they aren't comfortable.  Yet, criticism of those reckless city drivers is advanced.

Could it be true that there are some who find excuse-by-our-fault as a way of covering the fact that they don't know how it will go when they get there?  Will they sit?  Stand? Ask me a question?  Notice that I sat in the wrong place?  Said the wrong thing?

It is likely that excuses are truly an imaginary element which really have little honest bearing.  May we be at attentive to the aches and pains of our spirits as we are to the flesh.  Depression is rampant and this is a spiritual matter.  Discouragement? Disappointment?  Frustration?  All spiritual issues.

We must feed our spirits every bit as much as we supply our flesh.  One will fade into useless meandering if this is not heeded.  Let us give attention to God who ministers to our spirits and gives us meaning, purpose, and direction.

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