Saturday, November 15, 2014


There is a consistent plea from Jesus in scriptures that says, for those who have ears, let him hear.  II Timothy 4:1-4 includes the warning that there are those who want their ears tickled to the extent that these will not endure sound doctrine. Subsequently, these hard-of-hearing will lean in upon myths over truths.

My guess is that no one reads this text and assumes it to be true of themselves.  From my experience, this passage is used against any who can't seem to hear what we are trying to say about what we are trying to believe.

I'm learning that this passage is also for me.  I have grown secure in preaching between the lines.  I have been trained to not rock the boat.  People like me.  I'm happy and, basically, my messages are pleasing for I do so want to encourage all who would take the time to listen.

Yet, it remains true that if we are to follow Jesus we will not be winning popularity contests among the hyper-religious.  We will be disturbing and often creating conflict. Even within these statements all readers would long as I don't rub up against one of your pet doctrines, assumptions, or defenses.

Therefore, I call us to check our hearing.  Yes, guys like me can be dismissed with ease when we hear anything that doesn't have that ring of what we have always believed. Warning needs to be given or at least a reminder offered; we are light years from concluding all the Bible has to say.

To huddle together tomorrow morning in our favorite cluster-shops (churches) to rehearse and reaffirm what we have always believed is a half-baked truth.  We must also have ears to hear things/truths from God that we have promised ourselves we never want to hear.

The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.  It remains sharp.  Studying with dull ears, though, is really a serious conflict.

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