Thursday, August 07, 2014


Surely a pattern plays out in front of us day by day, week by week, into decade by decade.  That formation is the fact that often the rough stuff in our paths is there for a purpose.  It is useful to help us to grow up.  You may have noted that a lot of OTHER PEOPLE need to grow up!!

Discipline is always valuable.  Discipline in eating, in obeying, in respecting, and in exercising; all of these and more enhance our lives.  Flabby bodies and flabby mindsets miss the golden opportunities of issues presented which go against our laziness; against what we want.  We tend to fight off the very things we need which would lead us to grow up.

Many of our bad days aren't bad days at all.  They are life's favor toward us if we will receive correction rather than issuing objection.  We need to not get our way.  We must find obstacles to challenge our endurance muscles.  Training to be a human who is deeply in love with God is a never-ending process.

We older tend to smirk at the younger for their inability to take the hard road.  Yet, we are found often to be equally as guilty.  We are the generation of quitters.  We are the leaders in pickiness, poutiness, and insistent painlessness.

May we take note of the many things that don't go our way.  And before we throw them out, or throw a fit, maybe we should inspect this seeming crisis to see if it might just be another tool to develop us!

The transition is blatant as well as clear.  Maturity brings about thankful hearts. Immaturity whines, gripes, and offers a galaxy of excuses; few of which have any bearing on the matters at hand.  The process of incredible blessings is a deep pressing against our own self-protectionary, self-supplying will.

Things get right often because we begin to learn in the midst of the things we believed were going wrong.

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