Saturday, August 02, 2014


Being born again is a rather romantic spiritual concept to those who believe John 3:3-8.  Ideas of starting over and/or of being heaven-bound are apex moments. Transitioning from ultimate flesh erosion to eventual spirit arising surely is redemptive to our days of struggle.

There are agonies found in this glorious concept of one born actually approaching a born-over mode.  The frustration is that it surely must be found to have its challenges.  We tend to regard such a move as shifting from non-church life to church life.  The new is not necessarily seen in a new personality nor a new hope; but rather is embedded in yet another thing to do with this flesh-life.

How do we break the bonds of this earth-life that wants to go with us into the spirit-mode operation?  Our immediate problem in such a shift approach is that the flesh insists on being in control.  Control is a major player in the life game.  It will fight for....control.

Not so oddly, we get just a fine-line glimpse of why a portion of Holy Spirit fruit is self-control.  We must have divine assistance to pull away from the strong arms of the flesh.  If not aware of our torrent self, we will find the spirit life dull and awkward for the earthiness of us wants explanation, not mystery.  It wants understanding, not flexibility.  It demands warning; not surprise.

I know of no one who is exempt from the temptation to wish to be in control of his direction and calling.  This is surely an agonizing element of the rebirth process.  Will we let go?  Or will we drag our old language and rules into the kingdom with strong effort of operate from our former rejected and dysfunctional mindset?

It is with enormous stress that we concede flesh's best estimations, guesses, and efforts.  The flesh will not yield to the spirit world without repeated skirmishes for control.  Yet, this must happen.

Frankly, I'm weary of me.  In the name of responsibility I prefer to organize, plot, and plan my way into efficiency.  Yet, the spirit refuses the bugging memos streaming from the flesh.  We have to learn spirit things like wait, and believe, and hope, and watch, and then wait some more.

Rebirth thrusts us into a new life far different from the womb of grocery shopping, yard mowing, bill paying, and education accomplishing.

Rebirth recycles rather than refurbishes.  Now....that's a fascinating thought all by itself.

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