Saturday, August 09, 2014


Hebrews 12:1-3 is always relevant for our day.  Whether up or down, proud or humbled, taking a constant gander at Jesus is both fundamentally and necessarily the best direction one can possess.  We must keep our eyes upon him.

Therefore, it must not be a surprise that mankind lives in constant distraction.  From vacations to celebrations to interruptions to flat-out crises, multiple facets bid to distract us from looking/watching Jesus move.  I read the Bible for years studying about Jesus; yet not studying him.  There is a difference.

We must watch what we watch.  If our eyes are upon clean sanctuaries, uncluttered by food and drink, but have no heart-yearn for Jesus, we have missed the mark.  If we assemble Sunday to grade the song service on a scale of 1-10, our eyes have shifted away from the Master.

This will be a constant message just as the Hebrew book offers constant reminder.  We must fix our eyes on Jesus in order to never give up.  Endurance (:1) leads us to joy (:3) because we look squarely upon Jesus (:2).  Focused in any other direction than the One will lead to ultimate discouragement for nothing holds up under pressure except our Friend.

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