Friday, June 13, 2014


Days of peace are offered from God.  Peace isn't naive as to the true turbulence of life.  It is the ability to live unturbulentized.  Peace is that uncanny and unfleshly ability to live in complete calm while discouraging-to-the-attitude mortars are incoming from many directions.

We are always in need of calm before, during, and after the storms which perpetually brew.

Peace is a part of the Holy Spirit fruit dimension (Gal. 5:22-23).  It is no accident that churches and their leaders who refuse to acknowledge the activity of the Spirit are among the most abusive when it comes to dissension and upset.  It can be no other way if the Spirit is rejected then we are simply on our own to work it out....and it will not go well.

This element of the Holy Spirit must be practiced.  Practice means training and rehearsal.  Peace is a workout; not that we improve according to our skills.  It is a matter beyond us.  We are to practice yielding to the Spirit's talent and eventual display.

We try.  We succeed sometimes; and we fail at other times.  We practice again...and again.  The determining factor is not found in our self-determination that we can do it.  No, it is found in a faith that believes that the Holy Spirit can bear such fruit in us.

Consider Philippians 4:4-9.  Verse 9 wraps up a call by urging us to PRACTICE these things.  What kind of things?

  • :4  Be devoted to rejoicing.
  • :5  You can hold up under the pressure for the Lord is close at hand.
  • :6  No need to be anxious.  Instead be thankful.
The text states that when we practice being happy, trusting He is near, and replacing fear with thanksgiving, that peace will be the result.  A question could remain as to how it is when under pressure we dare find ability to practice such a seemingly Pollyanna-type walk?

God does not leave us in the dark on this.  Verse 8 requires that we focus on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, good, excellent, and worthy of praise.  These are to be our responsibility.  Our thinking sets the stage for the Spirit's release.

Have you difficult people or circumstances pulling you down?  What God would have us do is to think about those that/who pull us up.  This is a kingdom secret that works.  When we practice what He says, something of the Spirit begins to form.  It is called the peace of God; verse 7.

Whine. Complain.  Grouch.  Accuse.  Crab.  All you want; have at it.  Go ahead.  Be miserable.  But if you want to possess such a lifestyle you will need to do it with someone else for we have a clear and successful option.  Peace is for any who choose to retrain their thinking and their believing.  

Peace is available for all through the Holy Spirit of God.  And honestly, we don't always succeed.  But we can always practice.

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