Thursday, June 26, 2014


Opposing venues to God's call surely are in place for one central thing; to cause distraction from becoming deeply enmeshed in His glory.  Watch it.

Giving is a major target.  Distraction is at some of its strongest allurement when it comes to determining just how much of our income we will turn over for kingdom use.  The distraction to refrain has a mighty tug.

Yet, there is another that I believe is equal; learning to wait.  Waiting has basically been obliterated from the map of our day-in-day-out movement.  Who has time to wait?  Who finds value in wait?  Why should any waste their time doing so?

We have been so magnificently distracted from waiting that the mere concept seems too ludicrous to pose as a serious matter.  Yet, it very much is so.

This topic is too big to corner well in one dinky post.  All I can do is bring this too your attention.  The reason every family is in RUSH-mode (pun intended) is because waiting is so valuable to the God-life in us.  The reason every person awakens to off-to-the-races mentalities is because being still is a core kingdom process.

We have allowed ourselves the thought that hurry takes place because today's trend is simply very fast-paced.  While it surely is, the reason goes undetected.  It is such to distract us from having time to be with God and to discover the depth of our own souls.  Distraction is present to rob us of our own value, meaning, and purpose.

Hurried, chasing about, running hither and yon; these patterns serve to distract from the wonder and glory of life's precious moments.  We must curb this robbery to the human health.  Man isn't dying happy.  Rather he is dying tired.

Be still.  Quit talking.  Stop nervous energy and wait.  Listen for God.  See God's glory. Let delight shine.

Slow down and smell the coffee is more than an American saying.  It is holy advice.

Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God.  While huffing and puffing, our lives are being wrecked and wasted (although exhaustively active) because we have allowed distraction to boss.  I have two words for all of us.

Stop it.

(Therefore, I will be away from this computer for a few days.  I'll see you later....after I rest a bit.  Do you think the world will get along without my posts?  I'm saying it just might!)

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