Saturday, December 07, 2013


My post Thursday of Are People Leaving Churches Because They Want More? drew the 
following response:
Anonymous said...
Or they're leaving because they see the horrors of this wicked world, and wonder how a loving, heavenly father could have created it knowing that millions(probably billions) would burn for eternity in hell. And they asked themselves, "What type of all-mighty being would create a flawed product, and then condemn it for being flawed?" Or they read the ridiculous made up stories in the bible (such as the creation story), and wonder how an intelligent person could believe them. I could go on and on about why people leave churches.
I deeply appreciate the man or woman that had the courtesy to leave such an honest message.
This is what my messages are about; what my life/our lives are about.  People--good, wonderful people--hurt over many things in life which surely includes the spiritual dimension. Our call is to be a light of hope; not a sledge hammer of judgment.
Life is a train wreck.  Religion is a train wreck.  People are train wrecks. Pain ranging from injury to loneliness has always spread like poison ivy.  It seems to grow and get worse the deeper into the future we charge.  
This challenges us to calm down, slow down, and think.  Have opinions developed from genuine search of sturdy truth or have they been born from heated moments of conceited bias?  If the former, humility will allow discovery as one will eagerly learn.  If the latter, pride will choke that which is pertinently truthful as one will arrogantly spout off. 
Which shall we groom?  Humility or pride?
The quote above, would seem clearly to disagree with that which I espouse.  But not so quick.  Anonymous is expressing a sincerity of heart as to how he or she reads our talk and our walk.  Anonymous is not the one to stand corrected first.  No, first I must remove the log from my own eyes.  
This individual has had the courage to state what many say about we believers.  We shall not resist; but we will think.  We will think about how smug we come across or how awkward we appear.  We will not resist; but we will learn to love more deeply those who are frustrated with us and even oppose us.
People--good, wonderful people--hurt.  At times they know why.  Sometimes they don't.  I know that if Anonymous could meet Jesus face to face he or she would immediately bow in worship because restraint would be tossed to the wind.  It is up to us to grow to be more like him.
We will do well to take the criticism that the frustrated have toward us and ponder where we might do better.  We have a long way to go...really.  I would hope His mercy and His grace would help the wounded and the pained to see our light...even if it does seem to be dim at times.
Blessings to you, Anonymous.  I don't know who you are; but I know you have to be a very good person loved and valued by many.  If I could meet you I am pretty certain I would like you...and love you.

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