Saturday, August 03, 2013


God gives all disciples a big hint on what He is wishing for us, in us, and through us.

What is it that drives each of us to keep going, to stay on track, and to accomplish His will?  That is a big question and His answer matches.

God's children are ignited to serve by one word; compassion.  Even being of the stature of Himself, He so loved the world He gave....His only Son.  He cashed in all of His chips for us.

Reflective of Father, Jesus took off on the human-walk of John 3:16.  He so loved the world that he gave....God's only Son....himself.

Albert Nolan addressed these thoughts when he said, The remarkable thing about Jesus was that, although he came from the middle class and had no appreciable disadvantages himself, he mixed socially with the lowest of the low and identified with them.  He became an outcast by "choice".

Why did Jesus do this?  What would make a middle-class man talk to beggars and mix socially with the poor?  What would make a prophet associate with the rabble who know nothing of the law?  The answer comes across very clearly in the gospels: compassion.

The very fruit of the Spirit is to assist in our walk of compassion.  Jesus was continually moved with compassion.  He accepted the rejects and rejected the accepted.  I think it is true that true religion is caring for those disadvantaged.

The world stands before us naked without hope.  We carry the news for all to hear.  Jesus is the rescuer of the unrescuable.  He reverses the course of life.  Our fires are lit as we continually engage in movement away from our comfort zones and into the broken, hobbled, and cobbled streets of the lowest of the low.

It is our choice to make.

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