Thursday, August 08, 2013


A significant portion of Christianity has been sabotaged.  The reason for its obvious limp is it shot itself in the foot.  I speak of guys like myself and any of you who would have Christian tendencies.

Where has this wounding taken place?

When our faith shifted from our hearts of gratitude to heads of doing church right, a comparative spirit broke out that has set up major roadblocks of distraction and destruction for the movement for which Jesus died.

Those who haven't become know-it-alls may have at least participated in our squint-eyed judgmentalism of community sinners as well as those other-brands-of-church sinners.  Our eyes have gone blind to our own hazardous Bible selectivity as to what we determine will be our faith focus.

When they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding, wrote the Apostle Paul.

The Christian influence is suffering because we have traded seeking and knowing Jesus for a myriad of lesser matters.  We have divided into brands all the while fighting both other brands and within our own ranks.  In the meantime the poor and the hurting struggle to find a day's worth of hope to see them through.

My ministry world has been rocked; well....shattered.  It needed it.  I had it coming.  So much of my emphasis was on me being right.  Such stinkin' thinkin' caused me to be wrong on so many fronts.  I knew a lot and served in many places without relating to Jesus the authentic Savior for every person.

May we be devastated by our own lack; our own ignorance, that the life of Jesus may become necessarily more prominent as we grow toward influencing any community.

When we begin to compare ourselves to the Son of God, at that point we may become humbled that the world can begin to find realistic hope; but never until then.  May we shine and not glare.

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