Wednesday, May 22, 2013


All readers who are former MD members are invited to a wonderful reunion this weekend. 

I am very enthused.

While I dearly love people, this event is going to be monumental for a few....maybe more.

MD has an injurious history.  Typical church squabbles were both epidemic and explosive here.  From what I can tell as well as experienced, emotions often ran over understanding.  Blame is never a good thing for such is usually blind to self and accentuated upon others...those we don't like.

I am especially happy that Wayne and Carol Monroe (predecessors to Mary and me) are coming.  I don't know them well.  But their ministry tells me a lot about them...a lot of good.  For one, life in the church can be rugged.  Most quit.  They didn't.

I believe there will be a healthy segment gathering who were caught in the cross-fires of when Wayne was here and then after I got here.  Confusion, irritation, and disruption ran rampant throughout the church. 

Some limped away.  Others ran.  Several held on.

We now know God works directly in our lives through His Holy Spirit.  He has the ability to do for us what we cannot/will not do for ourselves.  Because of His mercy and grace, I anticipate wounds being healed and hearts getting well.

Reunions, to me, are often a seeming dime a dozen.  Not this one.  It will be a work of our God to draw us even closer to Him and to one another.

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