Friday, May 31, 2013


We do things better. 

We study better than others.  We believe better than others.  We win souls better than others.  We plan better than others.  We give better than others.  And we have a theology better than others.

We, also, are most ignorant.

Better insists there is comparison; one against another.  II Corinthians 10:12, though, voices clear warning against such a trap.  We are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.

It is a perpetual challenge to walk in humility before the Lord.  Our pride must only reside in Him; never in ourselves.  Never are we to look with superiority comparing our work to any other.  Vanity, arrogance, and conceit plague many of our turns.  These are mistakes.

I know what I'm talking about.  I live in this wide-open field of ambition, jealousy, and ego.  Some seem to escape this treacherous plague.  I note their meekness as well as their modesty.  I am not like them.

When we grow in seeing the power of the Spirit of Christ, at these moments we tend to appropriately back-track and step down.  When with Him, our egos surely limp away in humility.  Good.

We are not better than others.  We are blessed by Another.  If not for Him, our nothingness would still try to run, rule, and reign from an assumed self-assigned self-importance....all in vain.  He, Jesus the Savior, is our hope; the one who daily shows us what and who we really are.  Nothing without him.

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