Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Due to God's intricate enormity I would guess many more things cause the workshop to click than I would ever have knowledge.  Therefore, know that I know it.

But since it's my blog and I can write my opinion, you know I've got something in mind.


One of the things that makes the Tulsa Workshop work is that those of us who prepare the program assume the attendees have brains of their own to sort, accept, ponder, and think.  This isn't preschool here.

I am no longer afraid--remember Leonard Sweet?--of what a speaker will say.  If it should be something mistaken, I would assume the hearer has the ability to weigh the information without behaving as if the sky is falling.  We don't all think alike.  We can't even disagree alike.

One of the high hopes of the church is we are being properly challenged about ourselves; where we got our convictions, how to maneuver through circumstances not of our tribe, and is there evidence of needed repentance among ourselves over our firm stands which may have been built in the sand piles.

What makes the workshop work is that decent people gather to hear other decent people express their kingdom awarenesses at the moment in hopes we hold on to one another as we give evangelism another robust shot.

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