Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The thoughts that enter one's heart will evaluate who such a one truly is.  Proverbs 23:7 would concur.  In addition, one's lips will repeat what fills that heart.  Matthew 12:34 assures.

We would like to believe that life goes according to circumstances; both in and out of our control.  Such is not the case.  Personal life really functions upon the foundation of the thought-bytes we ponder, permit, and polish. 

Miscellaneous issues, both positive and negative, can be found daily at our doorstep.  The fact that they are there is significant because that is where we live.  What we choose to think about these, however, is a matter of life or death.  All is always wrapped up in how we choose to groom our thought-bytes.

Depression can be fueled or defeated simply upon the selection of the recording one would choose to play over and over in the thought-room of the mind.  Life's results are never a matter of another's behavior nor a circumstantial moment.  It is always and only a matter of the thought-bytes.

The old stand-by of one making lemonade out of lemons is rock solid in direction.  There isn't the person who has not and will not suffer stress and struggle.  Those who choose the proper thought-bytes will arise to the top.  Those who mentally rehearse their personal plight will find life miserable only to find some joy in passing along their misery.

Illness happens.  Age happens.  Death happens.  One of the saddest scenes is to come upon any who are dead while they breathe because they simply cannot find a way to think and then to comment about the outrageous blessings which are ours at every turn. 

Think hope.  Think gratitude.  Think about all the things going right in your life....and then let your speech convey these thought-bytes.  You will experience a most vigorous, industrious, and fascinating life because you will choose to override the painful with the hopeful!

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