Friday, February 08, 2013


Ignobility.  Hmmm.  Some might believe that to be a Terry-Rush-made-up word.  Not.  Just a big non-usaged one for me.  Ignobility is the reverse of nobility.  Authentic truth, oddly, is often found in the ignoble; not the noble.

The Truth of God is a precious gem.  Always.  Yet, this Truth is forgotten by many of us Bible enthusiasts that this very Word says there will always be those of us learning and not coming to the truth; that babies will get what Monarchs and High Priests will never note.

Truth begs the seeker not to assume its direction.

However, we have, we do, and we will.

In all of the parables, nobility is pitted against ignobility.  The Rich Man and Lazarus, the Prodigal and his brother would be a good start.  In all them the ignoble was the truth while the Bible-thumping grouches were not.  Truth often reverses what is assumed to be Truth.  The child gets it when the scholar won't.

We are to be tediously open to redirection of what we have assumed as Truth for very likely much of it isn't.  The truth shall set you free, John insisted.  Free from what?  Free from assumed truth that isn't.

Is this not the issue of every age?  Of course.  The church will forever be in the hunt for the wondrous Truth of our Lord Jesus.  It will not come about by passing tests in school.  Nor will it come about by Sunday School theorizing.  It will come about, under the direction of the Spirit of Jesus, by walking and ministering to the poor and all who suffer injustice.

It's weird to me.  I studied the Word intensely and became a loud-mouthed legalist.  The more I spend hours with the devastated, the closer I seem to developing a heart like His.

I'll always be in kindergarten.  And one of the best things I have learned is that committing scripture to memory is a farce if my feet--my feet to be formed in the image of Jesus--are not committed to the underdogs of our landscape.

Truth is a powerful and wonderful majesticity of God.  It is for our learning of Him; not our parading of our conclusions.

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