Saturday, February 16, 2013


Life is about God.

He is life.  He gives it.  He supplies it.  He recovers and eternalizes it.

We live in Him.

Satan is all about distraction.  That is his ploy; get us to move our eyes from God.

Jesus succeeded because he saw his Father.  The book of Hebrews reminds us to fix our eyes upon Jesus.

In everything?  In all that goes on?  Jesus knows how to deal with misplaced purses, dented fenders, aching shoulders, and disappointments in others?  Jesus knows that kind of life-stuff?

Yes.  He became us to get us.  He gets us.  He gets us so well he is our congressman--so to speak--before the Throne.  And he talks about us to Father as if we are mature, complete, and perfect because we made a decision to be buried into him.  We are him.

When Father looks at us He sees Jesus.  We are hidden in Christ.

Life is all about God.  It isn't about troubles.  It isn't about distractions.  It is about Him.

Our stresses mount when our eyes abort the view of Jesus and dart to the crime, the irritation, or the malfunction.  At those moments, life begins to shrivel.  Thus, we are reminded to focus.  Focus on life because it is all about God.

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