Thursday, February 21, 2013


The cross-generational declaration, I'm not getting anything out of church", is not to be taken lightly.  We churchies are a weird sort; we want, we don't want, we like, and we don't like....many things....during church.

Even those of us inclined to believe we are a part of some True Church suffer from the perpetual social grooming that church is basically relegated to a designated building for approximately one specified hour on Sunday morning.  All other interaction is known to we churchies as ministry; not church.  Yet, we are to be a part of the church 24/7.

A person who gets nothing out of church is also a person who has drawn nothing from God and puts nothing into people.  Church isn't about time-slots and clip-board checklists.  It is about God.  It is about others.  It is not about us.

I don't blame any non-church goer who looks at us and concludes we are absurd.  We are on many fronts; many silly fronts.  Yet, there is something always good stirring upon our land. 

God is true.  He is actual.  He is seeking each one of us. 

God isn't campaigning for us to become a better us.  He is reaching to rescue each from the frustrating dead-end lives we create and do our best to maintain.  God's urge is constant; He wants to give us eternal life now.  Eternal life isn't never dying.  It is always living.

We churchies need your help.  We've become obsessed with keeping our stuff afloat; our doctrines and our spiritual inclinations.  A strong dose of learning again to love God and to deeply lose our lives caring for others will be a blessing to all of society.

Your criticism may be earned; but it doesn't get any of us anywhere.  Together, caring for one another, maybe...just maybe...we would grow to actually fall in love with God.  May He be glorified by our walk and our talk. 

Once given to God and others, we will find we get something awesome out of church.

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