Sunday, January 06, 2013


We live complex lives.  On some fronts it is secure and stable.  On others, however, it is remarkably vulnerable and fragile.  And we are expected to walk this plank.

How many have recently assumed the stable was simply a way of life until......until that particular job in the organization was phased out or the lump was found or the divorce papers were served.  Suddenly the solid melted into confusing fluidity. 

Train wreck.  Train wreck.

If God is supreme and we believe Him, why the mishap experiences?  Each serves to refocus our eyes upon the Provider.  When life goes unblemished by struggle, humanity begins to assume ownership as well as authority.  This gradually leaves God off to the side as unneeded.

Train wrecks--the stable found to be fragile--are not to alarm us; but rather to awaken each as a strong reminder that taxes and death do occur and the only true stability for us is the resurrected-from-the-dead Jesus.

He alone is our hope.  Deny him if you like.  You will not manage the grave by yourself nor with a host of friends.  You will need to call in the one--the only one--who beat death on its own court.

Jesus is true stability.  We are true fragility.  Therefore, we should hide in him at baptism that we be assured of substantial and perfect hope; not only at the cemetery, but even in routine matters of the moment.

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