Sunday, January 27, 2013


Who wouldn't want to get to be me?

I ask not from ego...really...but from incredible gratitude.

Today wraps up the last day of my 30th year of baseball camps with Cardinals.  It is a God-story.

I find it amazing to visit with new friends I met this week as I share with them just a few of the stories of God and this camp.  Each listens with delight as I share about Curt Flood or the three times I asked the Missions Committee not to send me because I didn't see this work producing only to have bizarre circumstances arise that called me back, or the unusual work with the Field of Dreams, or the video High Hope for the Human Heart, and then the many who have been drawn to God because of some seed we planted along the way.

God has shown me to relax.  He will do His work if I will get out of the way. 

Oh, as far as baseball this week?  I've decreased in fielding ability as the eyes don't have it.  Yet, hitting increased...6 for 13 and even a hit in the big game off of Andy Benes. Go figure. 

The overall picture is that God will settle right in the middle of some of our greatest passions if we will have the vision to use fishing, and shopping, and travel, and bowling, etc. to be a tool for kingdom opportunity. 

And would you know why? 

It is because in all of these, and things like these, there are billions who don't yet know that people who believe God are ALIVE!  May we look like we know God and reach accordingly.

1 comment:

John said...

Glad it's going well. Hope you can post a few photos!!!