Thursday, January 03, 2013


I was converted when 23 years old, went to Preaching School when I was 25 and began preaching for a church of eight when 27.  Thirty-eight years later I find a very unusual blessing in the midst of kingdom life.

I am in over my head.

Where I had hoped I would become better equipped; I'm not. 

I assumed that somewhere about year seven or twelve the chips would fall into alignment and I would have a significant and mature grasp of how life in the church should go.


Not close.

I am in over my head. is more so year by year.

Overwhelmed would be a fitting description.  I know less about local work and workshop approach than ever.  I'm not kidding.  In laboring over the workshop I am tempted to get discouraged because it is just too big.

And....I'm realizing I like it this way and want it this way.....and if it is of God, it must be this way.

The more I am common me, the more I discover my inadequacy and His adequacy.  The more I try, the weaker I really am because the kingdom walk is always going to be above and beyond us.

The disciples' greatest understanding was that they didn't understand....all they could do was learn to trust in matters that had no explanation.

I had hoped I would understand by now.  Disappointment arose when I realized I still didn't.  And then it hit me!  That's the very sign I am doing God's work.  Of was He who declared He would work through us beyond our imagination.  Of was God who rescued every story.

No wonder I feel in over my head.  God is too large, too broad, and too magificent to fit into my very meager level. 

So it is with you.  Don't be discouraged when you feel overwhelmed and inadequate.  This is merely a revelatory reminder that we can't and He can.


Trent Tanaro said...

Hello Brother,

My name is Trent Tanaro. I am a Minister at a small church in West Texas. I have enjoyed your posts. My Dad (Mike Tanaro) has been a Minister for about 38+ yrs and He has said some of the same things to me over the yrs concerning our inadequacy. Just wanted to thank you for all you do!
Trent Tanaro

Keith Roberts said...

Wonderful post, Terry! I've been around about as long as you have, but I still need to hear what you've said. Blessings on you!