Monday, December 31, 2012


There is just so much muchness!  Everywhere....much muchness!

Much to care for.  Much to operate.  Much to learn.  Much to do.  Much to think upon.  Much to worry over.  Much to clean.  Much to sort.  Much to answer.  Much to seek.  Much to know.  Much to remember.  Much to file.  Much to code. Much to read.  Much to prepare.  Much to hear.  Much to evaluate.  Much to say.

On the muchness list extends!

What's up with that?

First is it a way of life.  And, it must have attentive discipline; else it will seat itself as demanding Ruler.

Second, I bring our awareness to this spreading vine for it is very capable of choking out our time with God.  With all of our clamoring and debating the "rights and wrongs" of religion, the most overlooked factor is our delinquency in honoring God.  He has been driven back by the tactics of the phone, the email,  and the calendar.

May we find great joy in the abundance of muchness all around.  But may all of it be tempered with a firm drive to notice Father and to credit Him for giving us the wonderful life.

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