Monday, November 05, 2012


I know of no other more fascinating story than the Prodigal Son.  Of course, you have your favorites.

I was wondering about this prodigal.  I was wondering how the Father would have felt if once the robe had been draped upon the son's shoulders, the sandals slipped upon his feet, and the privileged ring bestowed upon his hand....what if the prodigal retreated to the corn husks of the swine?

I don't speak of repeating the activities of his sinfulness.  Rather I speak of his return to the hog pens because he felt both unworthy and unacclimated to the lifestyle of lavishness along with forgiveness.

What if the prodigal reprodigalled because he could not get it into his heart and mind that he was to live a higher life?  A richer life?  A more Father-blessed life?

And this caused me to think about us.

Is is feasible that Father has rescued us from the pig pen of earth-boundness, placed us in the citizenry of heaven, only to watch us return to the poverty of restricted and visionless flesh life?  Is it conceivable that we trash our robes and sandals...not out of rebellion, but....out of perpetual unawareness and recall that we have been lifted to greater heights of living?  To a far more advanced life that operates out of heaven's corridors and not from here?

Have we given ourselves to the great organization known as the church only to live a dumb-downed scenario of barely getting by and hoping to make it through the day?

Have we reprodigalled?  Have we forgotten to let our voices pronounce confidence in His Spirit?  Have we assumed that frowny faces in the church system are simply the way life goes?  Have we diverted the powerful God experience for a numbing routine of repeated appointed times to gather?

I think not!

I think we are a people who have been called home; not to roost in safety, but to advance the daring cause of the Living God.  I think His people respond to excitement and awe and glory and challenge and opportunity and Presence....His.

If the Prodigal Son had chosen to reprodigal, it would be a tragic ending to a most uplifting start.  We must be conscious of His presence in us and us in Him.  We are each in the other.  May our tempo and our disposition communicate such to a world which strives to know Something more than the routinely known.

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