Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Life is amazing.  Yet, it is not a blessing for far too many.  Rather it is a daily meandering, ritualistic, and useless burden for the latter.

The problem is sin. 

The recovery is life in Jesus.

Referencing Adam and Eve's debacle, Malcolm Smith pegged it, From then on, this was where they would find their life and the meaning of their existence---in the realm of the creature flesh.  Men and women would now spend their lives searching for meaning within their magnificent brains, intellects, emotions, feelings, and passions, which all exist in the organs of their bodies.

But for every human being, the questions regarding the meaning of existence will not go away.  Men and women cannot forget the dream they cannot remember!  The human is plagued by "Why am I here?" "What is the point of my existence?" "What is the meaning of my life?"  Midlife crisis is due to looking at life and realizing that the elusive meaning has not been found and time is running out.

We simply cannot let the doctrine we cherish in new birth, reconciliation, and re-creation slip into the mundane religious tone of any given day.  Rather we must be perpetually aroused by the Spirit-treasure implanted within each of us that we be driven to the unfathomable highest of hopes even when in the deepest of pits. 

Remember Paul and Silas in prison?  Even when apparently set back it was found that they merely stepped forward.

Nothing is to steal again what the devil stole from us through Adam and Eve.  The reason life goes nowhere for some is they have not absorbed the message that Jesus reversed life's course once and for all and we are declared meaningful. 

When a world clamors for meaning to existence and purpose to one's walk, we know the answer with stunning precision.  His name is Jesus.

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