Thursday, September 06, 2012


Take a good look at now.

Aches and pains.



Intense concern.

Each day is shot through with holes due to sin-damage.  In order to combat we cling to victories, good reports, recoveries, and successes.  Yet each provides moments which fade with the next phone call or ring of the door bell.

What's going on?

Each of these dilemmas are our advantage as they direct us to the real us---our spirits--which thirsts for relief.  That relief is not temporary; it is God.

Pain, anguish, and frustration merely point us to deep need for our thirst-quenching God.

John Eldredge gives us liberating insight for possessing fullness of life--now. 

Drawing our attention to Jesus being the light and full life for us, he wrote, Common folk tear the roofs off houses to get to him.  They literally trample each other in order to get closer to this man.....

....The Pharisees miss the boat entirely.  Their hearts are hardened by the very law they claimed would bring them life.  They put their hope in rules and regulations, in knowing and doing things perfectly.  Having killed their soul's thirst with duty, they went on to kill their soul's only Hope, thinking they were doing their duty.

As in that roof, troubles are not to shut the believer out.  They are present to show us our thirst for Him.  Each question has the same answer; fellowship with Jesus.  Where he is, we are all right. 

Our thirst is quenched. 

Our lives are full.

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