Sunday, September 16, 2012


Day by day life is even more exciting.  Yes, circumstances and people can surely put the challenge to us.  However, we are risen in Jesus; not just buried.  And that rising is extremely special.

We are raised to walk a new life....Romans 6:3-5

New life!

Not remodeled.

Not refurbished.


I believe the years of Christian accumulation have not revealed but a smidgen of the true life available to us.  I speak not in criticism of anyone but in compliment to our immeasurable Father.  So much is yet to be discovered.  Just as gold remains buried, as well as gas and oil are yet to be unearthed, there is much new undiscovered life in Christ yet to be unheavened.

We mill around on earth carrying our Bibles and entering good deeds.  Both are prudent and important.  Yet, I think there is more....more that has yet to be discussed, yet to be imagined, and yet to be obtained about the Spirit walk with God.

May our prayers be full of gratitude and anticipation.  May our hearts beat a new cadence of imagination and hope.  May we enter the realm of God that only our forefathers wished they could see; but failed to enter.

The church of the future: I hope we are filled with gratitude for all blessings of our past and gripped with hunger to enter the zones no one thought yet to seek.  The realm of God is not to be captured so we must not life believing most of it has been.

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