Wednesday, June 27, 2012


What should we say to the younger who aspire to be a part of the leadership team in the church?  I have would offer one word; HURRY.

I would explain my one word; BECAUSE YOU'LL LOVE IT!

Really?  Yes.  Absolutely.

I know of nothing more exhilerating than getting to be a part of the greatest system on earth.  Nothing.  If you want to experience life beyond your ability, vision, and imagination then join up with kingdom living.  God works from the very same office.

Is every day exciting?  No.  Some days are depressing. 

Is every move successful?  No.  Some efforts are costly.

But the God-element tranforms even the No into a clear cut Yes....II Cor. 1:18-20.

Through my years I have often referenced a story I once read about Walt Disney.  Whenever his board would unanimously veto a Disney idea, he would begin work on it immediately.  I love that concept.  Disney believed in the outrageous and impossible.

We, dear one, do not work for Walt Disney; although that would have been intriguing.  We work for the Creator of Walt Disney.  One of my favorite texts is Romans 4:18-25 where God teaches that faith believes something can be made of nothing and that life can arise from the dead.

That's the God we serve.  That's the formula of the God we serve.  If that is the case--and it is--why would we not rush to get to be a part of the leadership of such an aggressive and progressive walk? 

So you want to be a leader in the church?  Go for it!

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