Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Church is surely a nebulous entity from the man-side of things. 

We want great things for her; but we tend to desire such from the framework of safety.  Who wouldn't love to see a pentecost-like growth come along; yet with manageability and organizational control?  One foot wants to stand in the thrill of God's out-of-Jordan's banks phenomena while the other foot demands solid ground pleading for assurance that personal drowning is not imminent.

A question I have asked myself a lot lately is, Am I/are we trying to be the church God is building by  straddling threatening fear and astounding productivity?  Do you wonder if we might be standing on the Word while short-sheeting the faith the Word wishes to groom?  Are we Fraidy Cats who point to any stutter of success and, thus, call mediocrity good enough?

I wonder that about me.

I hear of women's roles and music issues while deeply desiring to keep the waters non-turbulent.  Are these distractions of Dark Forces to throw us off course or are these doors we refuse which would ultimately open the hearts of our community?  I want to know.

Are we practicing anything doctrinally which keeps the neighbors at bay while we are completely oblivious to our own impediment because we are fat and satisfied...and of course accepted by others of our name brand?

I constantly seek to know.

For me, I don't need to see major adjustments in "things we believe".  The big move seems to be in front of us, though, "that we grow to trust and believe God".  How long have we tweaked, detweaked, and retweaked practices among us only to find we are still a Church of Christ that is the same size we have always been while the town multiplies in darkness? 

People are doomed for Hell without introduction to Jesus.  He must meet them; and them him.  This is a front burner call.  So what shall we do? 

I think the number one thing we do is give public glory to God in both our assemblies and outside of them. It would seem to me that the biggest plunge the church in general would need to take in order to encounter Jordan's flood waters would be for more and more members to open our mouths about our brilliant God.

This isn't so say "issues" aren't important.  It is to say that until we get our people to get vocal about His mighty hand all "issues" are a cover-up dressed as pertinent when they aren't.  I once was adamant about adamant matters; but I wasn't speaking up except among ourselves.  I had to learn to reach out.  I was afraid and I was intimidated and I was scared.  So I fought the big battles in our classrooms and at some of our dinner tables. 

Hiding in issue discussions is a circular distraction for, as soon as we conquer one, two new ones arise which will challenge deeply the pushers of the first.  When all is said and done, what is the thing we need to do to reach the poor and the lost?  In this answer, we will have the right doctrine.

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