Thursday, May 03, 2012


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm confused. To what are you referring when you say "narrow and squint-eyed formulas" that have been added to the Word of God? Please expand on that if you will.
I'm not surprised I would be confusing.  I surely have the ability to be unclear. Let me mention a couple of things that have shown up in our work as if God's Word teaches such.
  1. In giving God your best, women cannot wear pantsuits.
  2. It is not biblical that songs be sung during communion.
  3. You cannot bounced on your toes when singing in church.  How do you expect your kids to follow God when you behave like that in church?
  4. Collections for the Lord's work cannot be taken on any day other than Sunday.
  5. Matters of some announcements under suspicion must be done before the opening prayer or after the closing one to please God.
  6. Only the KJV is God's true version of the Bible.
  7. Those who raise their hands in services are Pentecostal.
  8. Two congregations cannot sponsor one work.
  9. Pepperdine, ACU, and the Tulsa Workshop fail to follow the Word of God.
  10. It is not scriptural to listen to Christian music on the radio that involves instruments.
  11. It is not scriptural that boys and girls mix swim.
  12. The Holy Spirit only works through the Word.
  13. If "Church of Christ" isn't over the door, it isn't a true church.
  14. The divorced are second class church members.
I'm sure readers have others to add.  What would be a few you see?

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