Saturday, February 11, 2012


I so enjoy God. These days I find a stark difference from manipulating sermon plans to hearing from Him. I look forward to tomorrow for I can't wait to find out how He puts it all together. I am confident He will.

But I really write to tell you about this morning. When I awakened He was there. We do some of our best work right at the moment I awaken.

I was thinking about an upcoming assignment to speak at the high school graduation back home this coming May. What would be a good thing to say? What can be said the graduates will remember a bit down the road? Hmmmm.

And then God planted a terrific idea of which I will embark to see if such could be accomplished.

I am going to write a book for the graduating class. The title is DON'T DRINK THE WHINE. Good idea, God!

DON'T DRINK THE WHINE is about leading a life free of grumpiness and full of thanksgiving. So many live completely wasted; they waste their days slobering in misery and complaint.

I don't know if I can get it done in time....but I think I can.


Hank said...

Praying you and God will make this happen. Would love to be there to hear what you discover.

Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...

I preached a sermon last week called: Complaint Department.
DT 11-20 is full of complaining by the Israelites.

They wanted meat, they got meat alright!

Liz Moore said...

If God brought it to you, I'm confident it can be done! What an awesome idea!!

Vasca said...

That's gonna' be a winner, Terry! Complaining is rampant and needs to go on a diet...go with it!

Don said...

Please let us know when the book will be available. After 82 years I still need this lesson. Thanks for the wonderful blogs. They are so refreshing.

Patti said...

I read an interesting book called
"A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining by Will Bowen" the website is Enjoyed your last book which you signed for me at Pepperdine. Keep up the good work!