Sunday, December 11, 2011


I become frustrated in listening to unbelievers discuss Evolution as the accurate account for life. It opposes God and His creationistic skill.

I wince at the former who declare scientific tests prove the Earth to be some million or billion years old. Really? They have such accuracy? Rather I believe it to be dishonest guestimation.

There is a factor about Creationism that science seems to overlook; God created age.

Did He not create Adam and Eve? And were they newborns or adults?

Imagine a news reporter walking up to Adam 30 minutes after being created.

  • Sir, may I inquire as to your age?

  • 30 minutes.

  • Sir, may I have a serious response?

  • 30 minutes.

  • But Sir, science can verify you are at least...ummmm....24 or 25....years.

Scientific research into age of mountains or oceans or people runs into a stressful scenario when it realizes that one of the things God created in the beginning was age.


Unknown said...

Oh Terry, you're so correct.

The fact that God created 'age' is further demonstrated when Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding feast.

Not only did he transcend time by a few minutes he did it by years. It was reported that he wine he produced was the finest wine of which today would take perhaps 2 years or more to make. He did it in an instant! Wow!

Have the evolutionists read the book of Job where God 'recaps' who He is and some of what He is capable of doing? Of course, they don't believe the bible.

God must have a great sense of humor when he pokes us in what I think is jest....when He says "Where were you when I .....?"

For now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face...I can hardly wait.


Cary said...

Terry, this is a promotion of the Omphalos hypothesis, which is very shaky theologically. With this kind of logic, you can essentially promote what has been called "Last Thursdayism" (we can say that if God simply created the illusion of age, then we can't say that he didn't create the universe last Thursday, including both the aged natural world and "supposedly" multi-thousand year old scriptures we read). We best leave scientific claims for the age of the universe to science, and not to scripture, simply because it doesn't actually address the subject, implicitly or implicitly. Trying to create an age for creation through scripture is fraught with problems.

My point is, there are a great many sincere believers who have come to accept certain views of creation that are based on a lot more solid evidence than what scripture itself gives us. It is simply not self-evident that the universe is a few thousand years old, by scripture or science. Even John Clayton concedes this.

But even if we disagree, I hope we can agree it is not a central issue to the Gospel.

The Omphalos hypothesis: