Saturday, November 26, 2011


Faith is the believer's tool that defies the visible. Faith stirs the air in such a way that things that are not....become. We walk by faith; not by sight. Sight? That which seems obvious. Faith draws out the un-obvious because it sees through and/or past the obvious.

Faith will not be talked out of possibility just because the visible presents a seemingly set-in-stone dilemma.

Prayer is not about wishing; but about seeing beyond the visibles.

I had an experience yesterday that made my day. It regards faith and prayer.

Mary and I moved into a new neighborhood at the end of July. I have posted before about praying for each neighbor--by name--that I meet; first thing of a morning and the last thing at night....daily.

I was in my front yard yesterday when one of those neighbors was in her morning walk. She saw me and made a bee-line for me; just to talk neighborly.

During our visit, I mentioned to her that I pray for her and Glen twice a day. Tears came to her eyes. Yes, I know. Glen came right in to tell me as soon as you left the other day.

Now that's interesting.

Glen and Stephanie stopped by our house with their two littles on Halloween. I inquired as to which was their house. When I went to pray that night, I could not recall her name. A couple of days later I stopped by their place.

Glen came to the porch. I reminded him of where I lived and shared that I pray for each neighbor I meet twice a day and I could not remember his wife's name. He told me her name...but he seemed very disinterested.

Here's what I want you to get. I don't know how interested he was; but evidently enough to share it with his wife. She elaborated with gratitude (and tears in her eyes) that I would pray for their family.

Faith does not react nor respond to the visible for such will talk us out of kingdom life. Faith believes seed is sown and God gives His timing...when He gets good and ready.

When Stephanie and I wrapped up our conversation yesterday morning she reached toward me to give me a huge hug.

I think I have made some more new friends!


DarrelM said...

The "problem" we seem to have is that we want to know all about how God is going to work with us. We want to know how all the people we touch will be blessed, how they will respond, how their lives will be changed, etc. He does not allow us to know that, nor should He, as we will mess all of that up if we were to know.

You are spot on with this idea. Just do what you are gently led to do, and then watch quietly from the side and without manipulation.

Larry Wishard said...

Psalm 126.5, Luke 8.15

Liz Moore said...

I love what you said about Faith! And I love what you are doing. God continues to use you in many ways and I love that you share what you are doing! Gives us all great ideas to run with! Love you friend!