Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Much of life has humorous opportunity. Am I ever glad of that! Comedy--others or my own--relieves the stresses of daily routine for me. But, sometimes I cry.

I know that crying is a sign of weakness; so be it. Recently a matter that breaks me down is the continued giganticity of the Tulsa Workshop. Oh, I've gotten used to and over the criticism which is freely voiced. Evangelism isn't about pleasing an impossible-to-please brotherhood. But it is about effectively reaching God's wide world.

The load of putting together "that program" which will inspire, encourage, and lead a great segment of His clan to deeper connections with God is wonderfully overwhelming. Currently, the 2013 workshop is on my plate. What will best boost a fine group who want to grow in the kingdom life of outreach?

I remain too little to take on the task. Littleness (weakness) is what works....but it still makes me cry.

So for you, I say thank you for enduring life in the necessarily ever-flexible work of the church. Vulnerably, I let you in on a private zone of my labor. I say so without whine; but with indication that we all surely live overwhelmed by His particular task in front of us.

If my weakness helps you accept yours...mission accomplished. God has a world yet to win and He Son-picked each of us to extend such a glorious work. Tears for the hope of others is a valuable part of our faith system.

1 comment:

JayJarboe said...

Thanks Terry for a powerful example of weakness. I needed to be reminded that God's power is seen in my weakness 2 Corinthians 12.