Monday, June 27, 2011


New comes along every day.  Technology advances.  Educational formats shift.  Medical approaches improve.  Safety standards change.  Why, therefore, do we insist on making the church today function the way it did in the last century and call it the first century church? 

New is an old tradition to God.  He is not static.  We are set free.  One of His most meaningful calls in my opinion is to believe He can trump our greatest imaginative efforts.  All of this says to me that we are to continue the kingdom process of doing church better.

None of this is to say that nothing good is being done for it most certainly is.  Neither is it to say that we are to wind down our many stronger and stable traits.  It is to say that the creativity of God is still flowing as strongly as ever and we are obligated to explore the faith region in order to strike His gold.

Note the constant needs you see in your community and then imagine ways He might work.  I think we are poised by faith to make significant advancement for today.  And then?  What's next for tomorrow?


Greg England said...

Sent you an email, but just wanted you to know my younger brother collapsed and died very suddenly on Sunday afternoon while visiting his three-year-old grandson. Would covet your prayers, my friend.

Erin E. McEndree said...

Enjoyed this one very much. I just had this same conversation with an older woman who thought the church should 'cater' to the old people of the church because the young ones will leave anyway. I was respectful to her, but wanted to say that that is just like me (size 6) going into a plus size store. They just don't have what I NEED. Of course, I will leave. Thanks for your constant thoughts.