In His Steps. We know about that book. Follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We know about that ideal. He walks with me and He talks with me. We know about that song. But do we know what it means to walk in the path of Jesus?
Watch him. Notice his walk. He saw the people nearby. He saw them. He looked right at them. They weren't employees for his service. They weren't ill for His object lesson. Jesus loved and cared for them. He encouraged them.
Soon Peter and John saw a guy sitting along the way. They offered help. The story of The Good Samaritan is geared for our noticing while we are going. But the Good Samaritan story throws us a bit for we begin to think then our line is to look for any who need assistance. Thus, we are tempted to ditch the Jesus walk for Tuesday night's Working for the King program where we gather for our cards, divide into pairs, and knock on a needy door from 7:00 to 8:30 if this is convenient for our caring hearts.
Yet the Jesus walk notices people where they are and at all times; at city gates, up trees, in ditches, in the town square. For us? We notice people wherever people are....and wherever we happen to be there seems to be plenty of people. So walk like Jesus....literally.
I went to the bank today. Janet was the lone teller. What does Jesus see using my eyes? He sees a woman who needs encouragement because she puts up with a lot of pressure from work and from home...most likely.
Hey Janet. Well, hello Mr. Rush. How are you doing today, Mr. Rush? Good. Take care of this deposit, all right?
While you are taking care of this, Janet, I want to tell you something I've noticed. You handle a lot of customers in these lines and I can't help but see how well you operate under pressure. You do a really good job. Oh, thank you Mr. Rush. I try.
Friend, I know you do. We all see it. I see how patient you are and I want to tell you that you do a great job here and it shows.
Thank you Mr. Rush.
It didn't take long to take an ordinary two minutes and convert them into a Hallmark card. Of course she needed those words. And where does God take it from here? It matters not to me. If something continues in kingdom life, then awesome. But for the moment I studied this responsible woman and wondered what Jesus would say if he were standing in line.
I think I came fairly close to necessary words.
People....the Jesus walk often has a word of Life for the most innocent of bystanders. Don't waste ordinary moments which are filled with divine opportunity.
Terry, thank you sooo much for the last few posts. They are right on target with where God has me right now. Your words have been very encouraging to me. Thanks again, and looking forward to seeing you Sunday.
Oh Terry! I love think so much like me that it's ~ dunno!
You are such an awesome man of God...and much like Jesus.
Hey, you even walk like Him, talk like Him and...chew gum at the same time...awesome.
I love your natural evangelism and practice it on everyone. Vasca
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