Sunday, February 06, 2011


How can color be even more colorful?  I heard about an elderly woman slipping away at near death only to be revived.  One of the things she told was how colorful color was; it was so much more intensely beautiful. 

How can color be more colorful?  Well, Sanyo and Mitsubishi figured it out.  They and other brands offer HD TV.  High definition can be seen at a click from normal to HD stations.  Color is more beautiful.

We experience HD life in Jesus.  Everything is embellished; as it should be. 

Could it be we have been around the church these many years to lose a bit of our HD?  Everything from sin's depth to worship's height may have become as worn as hip pocket with a billfold over time.  It is likely sin has been reduced to slight offense while worship suffers similar malady in becoming a checklist of five items.

Are we to find any who are simply wowed by God these days?  Oh, I think so!

I am perpetually captured with Jesus' statement that he came that we might have life and have it abundantly.  Believers should be super-happy, hyper-content, and ultra-saved.  We don't have to act like nit-wits with such; but we need to appear as if we are truly alive.

Whether at the store, or the doctor's office, or at the board meeting, it would do others a great service if we would be seen living in HD.

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