Sunday, February 13, 2011


The body of Christ struggles to move about on earth.  It shouldn't be so; yet it is apparent that many of the joints and ligaments have frozen stiff.  The body is no longer aggressive and fluid the way it was in its younger years. 

Arthritis has set in.

An important element has caused such body dis-ease.  It is called learning.  An unintended process has developed which did not come from the Originator of the church; fear.  Fear freezes the joints and ligaments of the body of Christ.

Fear.  His people are afraid to learn.  Emphasis on being right created a false pride of necessity to always be right forevermore.  Thus, the body is afraid to learn for it might learn what?  Adjustments need to be made because some of our understanding was wrong.

Can you say it?  I am wrong?  I have been wrong?  Surely we all have and are and will be mistaken as we study of His majestic and glorious truth.  Being wrong isn't a sin.  Refusing to face it is.

New health will come about as we remain committed to Truth while being willing to surrender our own egos of being right.  We are to be arthritically free as we encounter the divine process.

1 comment:

Vasca said...

Terry, As usual, His Spirit moves. Michael and I read this post this morning (prior to coffee...our morning rush, you see). And lo and behold, our worship service pointed in the same direction...His Family and how it works/doesn't work.

Arthritis worked in just well...oiled a few joints and we saw some squeeky body parts actually move.

Keep on doing what you're doing...