Sunday, February 07, 2010


The fields are white unto harvest. Yawn. Many want to know God. Yawn.


Except the fields are white and many want to know. Our culture is uncertain churches know God. Could their suspicions be warranted?

How does God say one can know His people? "The world will know by your love."

It is a wonderful experience to be in touch with those of the community whether it be at a local cafe, or at a regional sporting event, or connecting with those in blog circles. I know one thing for certain; people appreciate being loved.

The world still asks that question. Love is the signal from outer space that spirituality remains a key ingredient among the variable lives of mankind.

Why is love a signal of God? Because such is the fruit of His Spirit...Gal. 5:22. Anyone can love as long as things go well; but no one can love under pressure unless God is funding it. The truest sign of spirituality is our issuing love to both strangers and to enemies. Such cannot come from one who is not backed by the currency of God.

Love is a spiritual issue. Un-oddly, the more the banks, politicians, and churches struggle, the only signal out of heaven which verifies the love.

The search continues by the millions. May they find it....residing in our hearts!


Patti Sikes said...

Yes, Terry!

This is what I also know: I have found a church who is known for her love ... and satan is afraid and he is attacking...

... so I sing "There is a fountain filled with blood... and sinners plunged beneath that flood loose all their guilty stains... REDEEMING LOVE has been my theme and shall be til I die..."

Anonymous said...

Awesome! One of your best posts. I never thought of it that way. Besides church, I can only imagine what the world would be like if people found love in those other institutions as well. It would be heaven.