Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Take a look at my last post and note the comment Cary made. Read what he wrote by clicking "here" on his comment. Then come back and I'll tell you another part of the story.

(Reading Cary's "here" comment right now.)

Are you back? All right. Here's something interesting about his referencing the multiples who respond each Sunday at the conclusion of the sermon. It is a fascinating thing to see. I don't take it for granted. If one responds for prayer it seems two to ten people will be down front joining them; sitting beside them in support.

How this got started was over twenty years ago our teens came back from camp. Immediately if one came forward at an invitation song, the whole group would move to the front as well. Crowded on the front pew and packed nearby on the floor, teens supported teens...and it was moving sight to behold.

But a large group of older folks didn't like it one bit. They called for a meeting and before the meeting was over they tried to have me fired over this. Their claim was this wasn't decent and in order.

I had no idea of Cary's blessing from such a scene. But I will join him in saying there is everything decent and orderly about it. It is called compassionate understanding and caring about others. That youth group now finds itself sprinkled about the nation carrying out decent and orderly works for the cause of Christ from their 35 to 40 year old bodies.

You can see why Cary's note blessed me more than he could have guessed for he had no clue about how we got to the point he would be so enriched.

For you? Don't quit during the hard stuff. I'm sure there are those who were pretty upset that evening about 20 years ago that don't feel like that now. Sometimes our reactions are just that...reactions. The good news is we grow up, don't we?

It just takes time for God to help us along...don't you think? Thank you Cary for pointing out another thing that goes right around this place.

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