Monday, November 16, 2009


Ah, now that was new experience. I posted a new blog an hour ago....ran my daughter-in-law to the airport....and came home and deleted the post.

Why? Oh, it just had to much whiny-ism in it. It doesn't matter....I cut it out.

Years ago I preached a constant barrage of brotherhood issues. It kept the church stirred. It kept me stirred. What I found out was I was tickling the ears of some strong-willed members I wanted to please. I was feathering my nest so-to-speak.

But it wasn't right. What I wrote an hour ago may have been acceptable; but it just wasn't right. It was too much back in that defensive mode of which I made a break years ago.

So write this post to say, Do what you can to break the bonds of impressing others. Just do away with it. God has much to say about Him. Preach about Him. Fill churches with the fresh news of the freshest news in the land. Nothing about the experiential God is boring nor uninteresting.

Fill the world with word about Him. May we tell what He's doing, where He's been, and where He's going. Plain people still want to know. They don't want to know about our pet peeves or our sour grapes. They want to know when and where the Jesus-stuff is going on.

I'm one who wants it to be going on where I preach. How about you?

1 comment:

Cary said...

Ha, thankfully those of us who read your blog on a reader still have it. I'll sell it to anyone who wants it for $5 each. Kidding. :-)