Monday, October 26, 2009


Love gets a lot of publicity. It gets mentioned at drug parties, on Valentine's cards, upon receipt of a raise, and of course it gets most honorable mention at church. Its benefits are as high and wide as God; immeasurable.

One of the things love does is combat fear. Faith isn't the opposite of fear; love is. When we love God and love people we can move into frightening situations....without the fright. Love believes, hopes, and endures.....all three. It believes all things will work out all right, possesses a certainty that God is able, and does not think of giving up. That's what love has to do with it!

Fear wishes to portray wisdom and insight. It doesn't. Rather fear contains blurred vision and absolute deafness. Love is the possessor of real wisdom and insight. It is amazing how love for people (including the enemy) shifts perspective. Love melts anger. Love thaws strained relationships. Love dissolves anxiety. That's what love has to do with it!

Be encouraged. Be absolutely encouraged. God works. He owns the mystery of us all. Our best shot is to build up our arsenal of capacity to love. It has everything to do with success.


Christi Bloomer said...

Your last three entries have been so timely for me! I'm stressed out about my job, our adoption and everything in between. Thanks for reminding me that everything will work out the way it's supposed to and to remember to love. I appreciate it!

Liz Moore said...

Love never fails. Thanks for the wonderful reminders!