Wednesday, October 21, 2009


What? I know. Three dozen readers just went, How did Terry know I was struggling with this? Computer magic, do you think?

Pleasing people is a gigantic problem; especially for any who like people. This is an exceptionally difficult zone for me to maneuver. But, I'm learning.

Here's what you need to know. If any like you/accept you for any reason other than mercy, you need not bother with jumping through their hoops. You will eventually miss a hoop and you will be toast. So, if you are going to be toast with some....don't you think you might as well get it over with? Go ahead and put them out of your misery.

Our spirits beg from within not to attend certain functions. We know we "need to go" so one or four will be happy. Friend, if your non-attendance will cause them displeasure toward you, believe me you will eventually give that one/those a really bad mood. Performance-oriented relationships are not of the kingdom of God.

Refrain from arrogance as well as stubbornness. Simultaneously, I encourage you to realize you simply aren't going to make everyone happy. Furthermore, Jesus leveled against doing so.

If being liked by everyone is your goal, you have a very selfish and unbiblical concept cooking. I know. I fought it for decades! It has been important that everyone like me. I gave it repeated good shots. I failed. I miserably failed.

Bitterness cannot be a part of my heart. Disappointment is. But I surely began to experience a new kind of life when I mustered the courage to tell those who loved me as long as I jumped their hoops, "I can't hold up under that pressure anymore".

It is my choice to like everyone. It is their choice to choose. I will fail. Thanks to all who have kept me in spite of myself. Everyone is valuable. Not everyone can be pleased. As hard as we try, we can only please some of the people part of the time.

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