Monday, October 12, 2009


Everyone likes faith. Right? Wrong.

Faith may hit everyone as that sweetness of acceptance like that of a newborn. But such just isn't the case. The church struggles with faith. Why? Because it requires risk. Jesus said the work we are to do for God is to believe...John 6:29. But isn't faith a step? No. Faith is a daring walk and many would rather talk the talk.

Recall the Israelites thrill over their release from Egyptian bondage? There was no thrill. There was no gratitude for God's miracle. They were peeved. They were mad at the whole silly mess. They wept in sore bitterness just wishing they could go back into slavery. Because why? It was easier.

It was easier.

Do you get that church? The daunting task of faith is to dare tread where so many don't and won't. It is easier to remain in church bondage---no change, no study, no effort, just opinion debating opinion---but at least it is easier.

When the church hits a crossroads it will often be a conflict over faith versus easy-street. One of the things that drives me is the rough terrain. I don't love it but I do see the grace and mercy of God in it. If everything was perfect with little trouble I would either be out of a job or living in the cemetery.


Anonymous said...

One grows faith through risking and walking by believing and not by sight. Faith is a double edge sword. When you walk the talk, it seems others are envious because of the faith the person shows as confidence.

Others may bring up the past as "concerns" because of a coincidence. Churches lack growth because the inability to allow others to grow in their faith by improving upon past mistakes, whether true or not.

When will churches truly learn they are a hospital for the souls needing to grow in their faith? It takes faith to walk in a church building and gaining confidence that others will not look down upon them.

Church is at a crossroad when it becomes like Israelites in not trusting in its leaders (man & Spirit). Churches are to uplift and encouragement of words of, "you can do it."

Rough terrain is the unwilling spirit to follow the path God has called us to. Flock of birds, they look like a big black cloud and what if one chose a different path?

It brings down part of the flock. A seed of doubt, no encouragement, lack of trust and fear of trying can bring down the church because they resist the spirit of God.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. No judgement for those who are in Christ. Faith is beyond risk, it is a daily sacrifice of flesh. If everything was perfect then we would be in the garden of Eden.

Chris Rampey said...

Thanks Terry. I needed this right now. We are trying to live by faith right now. What makes it hard is when we think we have it all figured out and then life doesn't turn out how you figured. I believe God has a plan for me. I also see that Moses believed he was to be the leader of Israelites. However his timing was bad. He was the leader God wanted, he was just forty years to early. This is the greatest test for me. I am waiting for God to show me the way.

Good stuff. Thanks

merry said...

Hi Terry

I've been reading your blog for maybe a month or two. I do not remember how I came across it, but I'm thankful that I did.

I've ended up forwarding lots of your posts to my husband as they often seem to go right along with something we've been discussing or working on.

We too are recovering legalists trying to follow the straight and narrow path with grace and love.

Thanks, Mary

Vasca said...

It seems so many are really scared out of their socks when walking by faith and being spirit-filled is mentioned. It's almost as if that is anathema! Sitting in classes listenng to the same opinionating debating the same opinions...over and over like a broken record. You're's easy to stay in neutral, in the rut. No challenges, no action. No Spirit. Everyone likes faith...not by a long shot. When are we gonna' get it like God wants? Best get on our stick horse and be about His business.

Keep on and never give up, Terry! You are our encouragement...YES!