Thursday, August 20, 2009


To make it? To make what? To break through to the point the people are alive....really alive in the abundant life measurement Jesus desires for his flock. To make it isn't to arrive at the finished product, but to reach the breakthrough to the extent we are now on our way to development in him.

There are those places and groups who feel stuck. There is a feeling of going nowhere and barely keeping the church going. It is this kind of setting I address hoping to offer....hope.

There is hope in every situation. What is needed is one believer; just one. I think one believer transforms a church. One believer can dethrone forty doubters. One believer can defy a hundred wrong decisions made by fearful and/or closed-minded leaders. It can be a young woman or an old man or one in his teens; a believer can turn the tide.

Walt believed in Disneyland and Disney World before anyone ever suspected such a thing possible. George Pepperdine built a little college on a hillside north of Los Angeles. What vision! Rosa Parks single-handedly broke a major racial barrier. And....Jesus took twelve rejects and rocked the world so strongly it still shakes.

We are constructed after the pattern that one in the hand of God is better than forty in the bush of fear and nervousness. A believer can turn the much-needed tide of any failing congregation. That's why there is no need to seek greener pasture. Notice the hope in your own field. It is full of potential.

If you don't believe me, read again that OT story of the one believing prophet standing up to the 450 false prophets of Baal. Yes, there are many moves which can be made to boost fatigued congregations. I think the first one is to find just one person who believes the possibilities of God.

1 comment:

JamesG3 said...
