Thursday, June 04, 2009


Life used to get me down. I lived sort of a paranoid and skitsofreenick life. (Ah, I know that isn't how it's spelled, but you get the message and I'm too tired to hit spell check.) The slightest things not right became major matters to my feebility of mind.

But I've learned. I've learned from Jesus and I've learned from good leaders around me. Not everything has to go as planned for everything to be precisely and adequately all right.

Each of us deals with a lot of pressures. They await us as we go to work, while we are at work, and then just outside the door as we exit work. Troubles lurk. But our thoughts---our good and assured thoughts of God's abilities---are lurk smashers. We win every time. I didn't make that up. God said so....Romans 8:37.

My paranoid and skitsofreenick mind decided a ways back to let God be right. What an amazing man I am to "let God be Himself"! But He is the Truth and He is right. If He really can take care of the sparrows and the lilies (and obviously He can), He knows full well how to deal with my swirling world...skitsofreenia and all.

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