Thursday, April 16, 2009


I wouldn't know what percentage of people suffer from laziness. The unambitioned are surely among us. Yet for the most part, the bulk of society is quite willing to give life a sturdy shot including the opportunities to make significant corrections and adjustments. Puzzles present themselves for our ingenuity and solutions. Thus, we take on the world of putting things back together, righting wrongs, and extracting defects.

There is a glitch in us, though, which often throws a breaker. We ultimately hit zones we can't fix. What's going on with that?

What's going on with that is God has been trying to get our attention for a long time that He would provide. We have behaved as if it were up to us.

Centuries ago elderly Abraham was promised a son. Abraham (then only known as Abram) surveyed the land of possibility concluding his wife was too old to have a child. What's wrong with his conclusion? He forgot God knows how to make life come from non-productive arenas. So Abraham set out to fulfill God's promise. Once again he forgot God knew how to fulfill His own promise.

Abraham botched God's delightful blessings by impregnating a servant girl so he could say to God, See, you got your child! What Abraham needed to do was wait on God. Because of his prowess to "fix things" Abraham has our society in a huge mess today as noted in the mid-East crises which erupt continually. Abraham didn't fix things; he botched life for much of mankind.

We will do well to note that rather than fix things our job is better suited if we would but wait for the Promiser to do His marvelous work. Eventually Sarah had Abraham's promised child. Yes Sarah. The one assumed by the husband to be too old. But what did he know? He was only the husband. God was God. God knows how to fix everything.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

"Be still and know..."

I sure can't fix things. And God knows I've tried.

Yeah, He knows.

I love it when God gets into our lives and fixes things. With Abraham it was a constant reminder after his son was born...God named him 'He laughs'!

I just need to let God have the last (and first) laugh! :)