Thursday, March 12, 2009


What would help, cause, or lead more people to be drawn to God?

I wonder about this constantly.

Are we dreaming of ways to let the world know the true Jesus or are we mostly looking over our shoulder to see if the religious believe we are in line. The reason Jesus was such a good Jesus is he understood the heart of God would not fit within the demanding and degrading borders of religion and its restrictive confines.

Jesus would not be as thrilled over the current Christianity as we might like to believe.

We have played church safe and such is so against the fundamental nature of God's son that the bulk of humanity has rebelled. It is not that humanity isn't good or knows little good. It is that it can sense there surely must be more to God than us.

Therefore, it is not so much us figuring a better way to reach the world as it is us contemplating a courageous spirit to lead ourselves to become more like the Christ. If we will do a better job of raising him up it would seem our friends and neighbors would be more likely to be drawn to him.

Our goal is not to become the best church in town or the most dynamic one in the community. It is to become more and more dependent on the Spirit of Christ than upon our own ingenuity and engaging mission.


Anonymous said...

I think about this often also. I always remember the saying, "You may be the only sermon that person ever hears". If we live as authentic in our faith as possible, people will be drawn to Christ. Lynn W.

Stoogelover said...

For the most part I believe we have become "convenience Christians."