Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am always in school. Where ever I am, I am studying books, situations, or people. I evaluate success stories and also learn from the failing ones. One of those occasions came along today.

First, Jesus was remarkable at his ability to keep from fumbling, cowering, and/or exploding when under strenuous pressure. I admire that about him as well as fellow humans who have such admirable character. I don't possess it naturally. If it shows up in me, it is because He overrides my impulsive (quick) and defensive disposition.

I watched an Obama tax advisor be grilled today by an aggressive talk-show host. While I understood the reason for the stern examination, I could not help but admire the sweetness of the one who simply tried to give straight-forward answers. I thought to myself, I wish I could be that calm and gentle under stress.

You know where we get our calm under pressures don't you? It is from His wisdom which comes down from above...James 3:13-18. It is both unifying and peaceful....Jesus over and over.
To be able to love under indignant strife can only be in-sourced by the Holy Spirit. It doesn't come from anything earthy.

I want to grow up in Christ. One of those ways will be in attentive retraining of staying calm in the many opportunities to serve a large world which is under significant pressure.

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