Wednesday, February 04, 2009


It might be good to take a little inventory; an attitude inventory. How are you doing with church life? Good? Not so good? Average?

In case you are letting your gusto for God slip, stop it! We are the light of the world. Not maybe. Not possibly. We are called to light up the world. Do it!

The Holy God broke from the Holy of Holies in the Temple when the curtain was torn at Jesus' crucifixion and He raced directly to our hearts. We are the temple of God! He says we never get old. He says we are not to lose heart. He says we are to live life abundantly.

Let a fresh wind of hope and marvel brush across your face. Awaken to the dawn of the Morning Star. Relate to the Living God in you as He reaches nations and generations through the very body people call you.

We are the most fantastic creatures on earth. Created by God and then inhabited by God we are not to be inhibited by God. He's got places to go and we are His wheels. He's got people to bless and we are His hands. He's got a world to reach and we are His vessels! like it, act like it, love like it!

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